1. Why does Tony's action (killing Bernardo) further complicate the problems between Tony and Maria?
2. Who tells Maria about what happened at the rumble?
3. In the next scene (Maria's bedroom), Tony tells Maria what happened at the rumble and they sing the song "Somewhere". What is this song about?
For lyrics go to http://www.metrolyrics.com/westside-story-lyrics.html
4. After the rumble the Jets get back together and sing "Cool". What is this song about? Why is it important for the Jets to stay "cool"?
For lyrics go to http://www.metrolyrics.com/westside-story-lyrics.html
5. Who is after Tony with a gun?
6. What is Anita's response when she discovers Tony and Maria together?
7. Anita has a change of heart. What does she do for Maria?
8. Describe what happens to Tony.
9. What is Maria's message to the Jets and the Sharks?
10. In conclusion, what is the message of this story? (3 sentences or more)