Monday, November 2, 2009

Homework for Week of November 2, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Read the articles under "What Is A Podcast?" Respond (in the comments section of this post) to the following Discussion, and then to two students in the class. (Due Sunday, November 8, 2009, at 6:00PM)

Discussion: What are the benefits of podcasting. How can teachers use podcasts to improve instruction and increase student learning? (Your response, and your response to two classmates should be 50 words or more.)

Monday, November 2, 2009.

This assignment is due on Wednesday, November 4. Your signed permission slip for our class at the Kimmel Center is also due the same day.

Remember - we go into the lab on Wednesday to begin learning how to use "Garage Band". Don't forget to bring your earphones. You will not be allowed to use the computer without it.



Go to the LISTENING CORNER and listen to Danse Macabre.

Using the resources below, answer the sollowing questions about composer, Camille Saint Saens. Answer in complete sentences. Due Nov. 4.

1. What pieces would Saint Saens not allow to be published until after his death, and why?
2. Name three areas other than music in which Saint Saens was interested.
3. In 1852 what music composition of Mr. Saint Saens gave rise to acknowledging him as a great composer?
4. Over what period of music did Camille Saint Saens life expand?
5. To what does the Romantic Period refer?
6. Describe the French characteristics of Saint Saens music.
7. What are the three compositions for which Saint Saens is most known?